EUR/USD: The current price is at 1.0492

  • 1.0375 - 2.6 billion
  • 1.0400 - 5.2 billion
  • 1.0420-25 - 1.9 billion
  • 1.0450 -60 - 2.7 billion
  • 1.0470-65 - 1.5 billion
  • 1.0500 - 7.6 billion - the price is near this level
  • 1.0520 -25 - 1.8 billion
  • 1.0535 - 1 billion
  • 1.0550 - 2.7 billion
  • 1.0570-80 - 1 billion

USD/CAD: The current price is at 1.4225

  • 1.4225 - 1 billion
  • 1.4275 - 1.7 billion

USD/JPY: The current price is trading at 1.5360

  • 152.60 - 774 million
  • 153.00 - 402 million
  • 153.50 - 370 million
  • 154.00 - 1 million

Options expire worthless at a strike price. Sellers of options have the incentive to settle the price at the strike level to maximize the return. With 7.6 billion of EURUSD expiring at 1.0500 and the price currently at 1.0492, it would be best for sellers of options to keep the price near the 1.0500 level. If the price starts to move away, those sellers may need to the hedge their position which could create volatility as well.

The options expire at the top of the hour at 10 AM ET.