I’m heartbroken to learn that my old colleague at ForexLive, Peter Jackson, died today.

He started at ForexLive around the same time I did with the handle ‘Joe Brown’ because he was working with MNI along with his posts here. This was his first post.

Hello: my name is Joe Brown

I’ll be your flight attendant over the next few hours

Welcome aboard Joe’s charter, pleasant flight y’all

He joined ForexLive full-time in May of last year and made his first post as Peter Jackson without any fanfare but he had a good laugh about his new picture, which he hated, in the comments.

He posted more than 6000 times at ForexLive and his best stuff was on the orderboard. He was well-connected and tracked down the levels, barriers and expirations. Without Peter I don’t think retail traders would know anywhere near as much about options as they do. In that way, more than any other, he was responsible for the evolution retail forex trading.

Today we see AUD/USD parked around a huge expiration at 0.9600 and it’s because of guys like Peter that average traders know about it.

His wisdom and humility will live on in our archives. The last thing wrote was ‘Think I’ll spend the afternoon beach combing…

So Joe/Pete, it was a pleasure to ride on your charter, I hope you’ve found a beautiful beach to comb.