• Ineffective, counterproductive US government ‘hog-tied’ the US economy
  • Says government shortcomings countered by Fed’s pro cyclical policy

Newswire headlines

Fisher says his views expressed in his speech are his own. There’s nothing of news in his comments, he isn’t saying anything the market doesn’t already know. But … wow … scathing comments.

ADDED: the Australian Financial Review (gated) carries more: Fed’s Fisher lambasts ‘counterproductive’ US government

  • “I say that the economy of the United States is hog-tied by a government that is sadly ineffective and, in fact, counterproductive,”
  • “We have a government that hasn’t been able to agree on a budget in five years; that has historically, under both Republican and Democrat presidents and Congresses, spent money and committed itself to fund long-term programs without devising revenue streams to cover current costs or fund future liabilities.”
  • “In short, while the Fed has been moving at the speed of a boomer in full run, the federal government of the United States has at best exhibited the adaptive alacrity of a koala.

Hard to disagree with Fisher. But … don’t dis the koala, Dick. K?


ADDED – ungated recap from Reuters

ADDED - more comments from Fisher, here