Trust me when I say that you guys and girls are let off lightly sometimes from the 100’s of headlines and news we sift through each and every day for you.

As you can imagine the taper is front and centre and this note form Barclays just highlights the levels of complexity people go through just to try and out guess the Fed.

BBG Barclays 13 12 2013

Barclays untangles the Feds financial mess

Now I’m not slagging their analysis off or anything like that at all, and after a brief read I can see some perfect sense, even though my brain is screaming “Don’t you dare hit me with that this late on a Friday afternoon”. Notes like this are going to increase as we get nearer the FOMC and we will be bringing you our own thoughts, but I think for this week Colin Reimer has summed it up well enough.

As a trader, I think it is so important not to get sucked in by fancy news stories and opinion pieces. The taper will either happen, or it will not happen and all the traders who will make money on the decision will make money on either result. Me personally, I do not see a taper until April at least, but I am ready either way for what ever the codgers decide

Now these guys get paid big bucks to produce these kinds of thoughts but sometimes you just need to think of outcomes in the simplest of forms, especially when you may be putting your trading account up against them.