On average, March is the best month of the year for USD/JPY and then trend has held up recently with gains in 5 consecutive years. The pair is off to a bad start but a mere 40 pip decline today given all the political risks seems like a win, and that might be the buying signal you’ve been looking for.

USDJPY seasonals for March

USDJPY seasonals for March

As an aside, you almost get the sense that most traders have grown tired of picking the bottom in USD/JPY and have moved onto something else. That’s usually the time when the bottom comes.

Quick hitters:

  • March-April is the best two-month period for the S&P 500 and Nasdaq
  • March is the second-weakest month for gold on average in the past 10 years
  • Crude was my pick last month and that continues as strong seasonals persist through July