You’ve got to love a Reuters poll. Those canvassed have downgraded their growth expectations for 2014 from 2.7% to 2.5% but they stand fast over 2015’s forecast of 3.0%

Inflation expectations have shifted up slightly with 2014 seen averaging 1.8% from the last call of 1.7%. 2015 is held at 2.0%

Job growth expectations have jumped too with the monthly average now up to 221k from 200k in the prior poll.

Most pollsters still expect the first Fed rate rises from Q3 2015

There’s still worries over prices with wage growth cited as “benign” by Monument securities and there’s one or two signs that the second half of 2015 is becoming more entrenched as the time for rate hikes. BNP have pulled there 2016 call forward to match the crowd.