This morning more than 376 MEPs are expected to give the nod to Jean-Claude Juncker to become the most powerful official in Europe in November when he will take over as President of the European Commission

Nemisis to UK PM David Cameron here’s a profile of the man by the BBC’s European Editor Gavin Hewitt.

Jean-Claude Juncker is no easy persuader. He gives the impression of wanting to slip in by the side door, to escape attention. He bristles at the ever-present cameras, the shouted questions which have become a feature of public life.

He is a creature of the “dark, secret rooms”, a master of the backroom deal. He has an encyclopaedic knowledge of Brussels’s arcane ways and its treaties and legislation. He may struggle to sell Europe but last week as he did the rounds of the Parliamentary groupings there were flashes of humour.

What do you think of J-CJ ? Good for the EU or not?