This is something we’ve highlighted before. Since 2011, the BOC has been saying that the “conditions were right” for a pickup in investment, exports and growth but they never seem to appear. The BOC has said before that they’re “puzzled” by it. Now they’re calling it “serial disappointment” and saying they’ll wait and see and hope it goes away.

Poloz BOC 1

Poloz with Deputy Wilkins

More headlines:

  • Inflation forecast is close enough to target that we’re neutral
  • Business investment is the common factor holding down trade around the world
  • Our exports have not improved in synch with the US economy as in the past
  • We believe as investment in the US picks up, we will start to see the results
  • Canada has one of the best investment climates in the world, I don’t think it’s the costs that are a problem it’s the uncertainty