Why should the perma-bears have the monopoly on scary stories?

Here’s one from one of Australia’s local fish and chip wrappers:

  • The earth narrowly survived a near miss from a powerful solar storm in 2012 that was big enough to “knock modern civilisation back to the 18th century”
  • The eruption on the sun … was the most powerful in 150 years
  • It would have been comparable to the largest known space storm in 1859, known as the Carrington event
  • Could cost the modern economy more than two trillion dollars and cause damage that might take years to repair

There is a 12 per cent chance of a super solar storm the size of the Carrington event hitting Earth in the next 10 years, according to physicist Pete Riley … His research was based on an analysis of solar storm records going back 50 years
“Initially, I was quite surprised that the odds were so high, but the statistics appear to be correct,” said Riley.


I’m off to stock up on baked beans and ammo!


Have a great weekend!

back to the future 3 carrington event