UK’s Osborne comments crossing the wires. The comments are from a speech he is to deliver on Wednesday.

  • ECB should do whatever it takes to meet inflation target

Osborne distinguishes between UK inflation and Europe inflation:

  • “The low inflation we see here in the UK — driven as it is almost entirely by external factors such as the oil price — is much more welcome than in the euro zone”
  • “There the debate has understandably turned to the dangers of deflation — the risk of a self-reinforcing spiral where economic activity falters, consumers defer purchases … and nominal debt burdens become ever harder to manage”

And more:

  • “Political systems should give their central banks the space and the independence to do their job”
  • “So I fully support Mario Draghi’s efforts to ensure that the ECB does whatever it takes to meet its inflation mandate”

via Reuters

George Osborne is British Chancellor of the Exchequer

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