Employment Change: +37.4K

  • expected 5.0K, prior +45.0K (revised from 42.7K)

Unemployment Rate: 6.1%

  • expected 6.3%, prior 6.2% (revised from 6.3%)

Full Time Employment Change: 41.6K

  • prior was +2.6K,( revised from +1.8K)

Part Time Employment Change: -4.1K

  • prior was +40.8K

Participation Rate: 64.8 %

  • expected is 64.7%, prior was 64.7%

To the extent that the employment data is reliable (and there have been problems with it in mid to late 2014) this is a good set of results, higher full-time employment, higher participation, lower unemployment ….

employment graph australia 15 January 2015

AUD/USD surged on the data, tickled above 0.8200 briefly and just under as i update

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