Another sad day : (

It's a record day...But it's a sad day.

No, I am not talking about stock market. Today was a record day for a mass killing in the United States.

Some guy, rents a room, has assault rifles and just fires into faceless people 32 floors below, who are enjoying life - some enjoying the last minutes and seconds of their lives.

A total of 58 died and over 500 are wounded or injured. I never thought I would hope the record is only 58. It would be a relief if it were only that. That makes me hurt inside.

But the hurt I have is nothing compared to the hurt the families and friends of the victims will experience. Some don't even know the pain they will feel yet. They haven't gotten the word. I hope and pray they are able to find peace in the wake of this tragedy and are able to turn this horrible trend around at some point.

For those who are one of the record 58, I just hope and pray your life on earth was full of joy, love and full of song and dance. I hope there is a selfie of you at the concert and you were having the time of your life. I hope you did not suffer but died peacefully.

Although many people will mourn for you, I know you left a little part of that joy and love and song and dance, in those that will miss you the most. That is the magic of life on earth.

For those of us not directly impacted, we can pray, but we also can't just continue making records - stacking up sad days on top of sad days.

The answer to the riddle is to make an effort to love, to get rid of the hate. It does not start with anyone else but ourselves. Be a model for others. If something doesn't go your way, love anyway. The Beatles had it right, that is all you need.

So yeah.. another record day. Damn..

For all the victims and their families here in the US and around the world who have been victims, prayers you find peace in your sadness.

For the rest of us, let's turn this trend around, and have that trend reversal start with you....