Draghi answers questions

  • We were unanimous in not outlining a timeline [on tapering]
  • We aren't there yet
  • We need patience
  • Longer-term yields have risen but are still low by historical standards

This jump in the euro is starting to look more like dip-buying than a reaction to anything Draghi is saying. EUR/USD quickly up to 1.1550.

  • "Inflation is not where we want it to be, and where it should be. We're confident it will get there, but it's not there yet"
  • The last thing the ECB wants is unwarranted tightening of financial conditions

Draghi is doing everything he can to cap the euro and he's still losing the battle.

  • We aren't there yet
  • Factors holding back inflation will last for some time, they're not permanent
  • Governing council trusts the power of its package
  • Sintra speech had 'no big differences' to current stance
  • Confident that ECB programme can continue smoothly
  • In Autumn will look at inflation
  • The response to wages is different than it was in the past. Key for us is whether it will be structural
  • Staff hasn't been tasked with researching tapering options