Producer Prices ZEW – September
– August – economic current
%mom %yoy sentiment conditions

Median Forecast 0.1 5.9 -45.0 43.0
High forecast 0.5 6.0 -30.0 55.0
Low forecast -0.7 5.1 -50.0 20.5
Previous period 0.7 5.8 -37.6 53.5

Number of responses 11 9 17 9

4Cast 0.0 5.8 -45.0 49.0
Barclays Cap. 0.2 5.9 -45.0 na
BNP Paribas 0.0 5.8 -45.0 35.0
Capital Economics 0.1 5.9 -45.0 na
Citi -0.7 5.1 -45.0 na
Commerzbank na na -50.0 na
DZ Bank -0.2 5.6 -46.0 43.0
HSBC na na -48.0 40.0
ING na na -30.0 55.0
LBBW -0.1 na -38.0 na
Natixis 0.1 6.0 -40.0 37.5
Nomura na na -50.0 na
Soc. Generale na na -50.0 45.0
Standard Chartered 0.2 na -50.0 20.5
UBS 0.5 na -45.0 45.0
Unicredit na na -37.0 na
West LB 0.2 6.0 -50.0 na

PMI – September (flash)
factory services

Median Forecast 50.0 50.5
High forecast 52.0 52.0
Low forecast 49.0 49.5
Previous period 50.9 50.9

Number of responses 13 13

4Cast 50.5 50.5
Barclays Cap. 49.5 50.0
Commerzbank 50.0 50.5
DZ Bank 49.8 50.1
Danske 49.3 49.9
HSBC 49.0 49.5
ING 51.5 50.5
LBBW 50.1 50.5
Natixis 50.5 50.5
Soc. Generale 52.0 52.0
Standard Chartered 50.0 50.5
UBS 50.0 50.2
West LB 50.1 50.5
* Median is based on above forecasts and is not intended to represent
a consensus.

The survey was conducted on Friday, September 16.