It's time to say Happy Diwali again and warmly greet all our readers 19 Oct

Otherwise known as Dipawali, or The Festival of Lights, it's the most important festival in the Indian calendar that began as a Hindu celebration but now has huge significance for all religions across the whole country.

Starting today, and continuing until 23 Oct thanks are given for the harvest, many lights are lit and many sweets are prepared and eaten! Not to mention usually a solid buying session of gold in the period leading up to the annual event.

The festival celebrates the victory of good over evil, light over darkness and knowledge over ignorance, and that's something we can all strive for in these uncertain times and markets, a message I sent last year too. Little has changed eh?

So, as I say every year, to all our many readers celebrating this festival wherever you are in the world, ShubhDipawali from all of us in the ForexLive community!

We would love to see any of your photos, which can be sent in the comments thread.