Jimon Dimon will be trolled relentlessly

Ranking of fanatics:
4. Green Bay Packers fans
3. Apple fanboys
2. Hardcore religious fanatics
1. People who own Bitcoin

The first rule of the internet in 2017 is not to say anything bad about Bitcoin. The true believers are all over the internet and I'm pretty sure they're fitted with radio-collars that alert them whenever someone says something bad about Bitcoin.

Yesterday, Jamie Dimon said he was done talking about Bitcoin, today he changed his mind and said that "anyone who buys Bitcoin is stupid" and that the government will crush it one day.

"Who cares about Bitcoin?" he said at the Institute of International Finance, and then called it a "great product" for criminals.

He then followed that up by saying it was truly his last comment on Bitcoin.

I can't wait until someone trolls him on the next quarterly earnings call.