US DATA: Aug PPI flat, core +0.1% (+0.0560% unrounded) for +6.5%
YOY overall and +2.5% YOY core, all less than expected. In core, nonwood
store fixtures -2.5% was a record, commercial furniture -1.1%, cars
-0.4% and lt trucks +0.1%, cosmetics and household flatware & glasses
flat, and dips in some machinery and computers held down the total.
Tires at +1.4% contributed 20% of core; in other words, the core dip was
widespread. Food +1.1% on gains in eggs, meats, fruits/veg. Energy -1.0%
as all areas dipped (SA moderated the decline). Intermediate PPI -0.5%,
and Crude +0.2% round out the report.