US President-elect Donald Trump speaking to WSJ 12 Nov

BBC reporting:

"US President-elect Donald Trump has said he is open to leaving intact key parts of President Barack Obama's healthcare bill.

Mr Trump, who has pledged to repeal the 2010 law, said he will keep the ban on insurers denying coverage for pre-existing conditions.

He told the Wall Street Journal that he also favoured allowing young adults to be insured on their parents' policies.

"I like those very much," Mr Trump said of the two pillars of the bill.

It was his meeting with Mr Obama on Thursday that had made him reconsider his calls for an all-out replacement of the Affordable Care Act, he told the newspaper".

More from the BBC here

The campaign rhetoric vs the reality. Trump is a markteer. He will have others reigning him in but what do you think will be the real outcome ? What's the real agenda here?

US President-elect Trump- What are we really going to get ?