An article from MNI during the European day yesterday: Greek election may be factor in ECB QE Decision.

It quotes ” a senior central bank source”.

As usual from the good people at MNI it is VERY comprehensive, so here is my effort at a summary of the critical points made:

  • Greece’s participation in any European Central Bank programme of quantitative easing is still being debated
  • Options include excluding Greek bonds or limiting the amount the ECB would purchase are part of ongoing discussions


  • A senior Eurosystem source has told MNI that during the ECB’s non-policy meeting last week, a group of Council members wanted to impose “very strict rules in the bond buying plan that could essentially kick Greece out of the programme”
  • The same source said that he felt that consensus is growing among the Council for an announcement of an agreement in principle on QE next week, but with the details or the activation of the programme to take place later, possibly in March

I posted a good bit of news/views on Greece and on tthe ECB yesterday, here they are for more background:

And more from the overnight: