• A central bank is not necessarily a credible lender of last resort if it does not issue a currency
  • Independent Scotland would need access to sterling reserves to be lender of last resort
  • Scotland may need sterling reserves of roughly 25% of GDP, notes Hong Kong has 110-120% reserves of GDP
  • Reserves required depend on sophistication of financial system
  • Scottish government would need to make budget decisions consistent with currency arrangement if adopted unilaterally
  • Scottish financial assets of around 10 times GDP
  • Scottish central bank would need reserves of between 25%-100%+
  • BOE financial stability role would continue in any transition period
  • Scottish banknotes would still be backed by BOE (still wouldn’t be fully accepted in most English pubs though

He’s being put on the line about what Scotland could or would need to do to set up on their own. He’s playing a pretty tight game of not being drawn into saying something out of line.