Yes folks the Carnester is still going with his Q&A

I'm gonna need a deeper ice bath for my fingers.

  • we have not given any signal of timing of rate rises
  • wage growth and unit labour costs are not yet at levels consistent with 2% inflation but expect them to hold
  • Brexit uncertainty is affecting wage bargaining

But cheap immigrant labour is fading too Mr C.

  • BOE has almost done as much as it can for jobs market
  • Loss of access to EU markets in Brexit hurts the UK
  • The BOE is second to Brexit in terms of macroeconomic outlook

Dep gov Broadbent:

  • level of household debt still materially lower relative to income than before financial crisis

Don't get complacent on that one Ben as I highlighted in my MPC preview.

FTSE 100 up 0.7% on 1-week highs

GBPUSD continues to slide to 1.3120 and EURGBP up to 0.9041. Some GBP demand around here but I still expect GBP rallies to be sold.

Carney continues to look down on CPI and GDP forecasts