–Greece Samaras Convinced Troika Will Commend New Government

FRANKFURT (MNI) – German Chancellor Angela Merkel reaffirmed her
commitment to keeping Greece in the Eurozone after a meeting with Greek
Prime Minister Antonis Samaras in Berlin Friday.

Her comments came a day after Merkel failed to reaffirm this same
commitment during a press statement with French President Francois
Hollande by her side in Berlin, and after some members of her government
have indicated a readiness to let Greece go.

“We want Greece to remain in the euro area,” Merkel said, referring
to herself and Hollande. Germany would support Greece in this endeavor,
but she added that Greece would have to fulfill its responsibilities.

Regarding those commitments, Merkel said her government would wait
for the Troika report on Greece, due in September.

Samaras said he was “convinced” that the Troika report would say
the policies of his government will “show quick results.”

“Greece will stay true to its commitments,” Samaras promised.
“Greece will meet its requirements, we are already in the process,” he

Samaras said he did not ask Merkel for additional financial aid but
reiterated his recent calls to give his indebted country more “breathing

“An economic upswing of the economy is of utmost importance to
allow us to quickly reach our target,” Samaras said. “Greece only needs
one thing: the chance to grow.”

A number of German government officials, including FDP Economic
minister Philip Roesler and Merkel’s own-party CDU faction chief Volker
Kauder have said recently that Greece should not be granted additional

But Merkel said Germany has not made any decisions and and denied a
split in her government. “I want Greece to remain a part of the euro…I
know of nobody in the government faction that does not want this,” she

“What Greece can rightly expect from Germany is that we will make
no premature judgements” but will base decisions on fundamental
evidence, Merkel said. “That is why we are waiting for the Troika

–Frankfurt newsroom, +49-69-720-142; frankfurt@marketnews.com

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