Mexico's national Farm Council weighs in on the proposed Trump tariffs

The proposed Trump tariffs on Mexico in an attempt to get them to stop the flow of immigrants across the border, has solicited response from the Mexican National Farm Council. They say:

  • It supports surgical application of retaliatory tariffs aimed at US states that support trumps Republican Party, if the tariffs are enacted
  • Such retaliatory tariffs voting US states should be a last resort
  • US exports to Mexico include greens, pork, apples could form part of a new list of possible Mexican targets for retaliatory tariffs

The proposed tariffs have certainly opened another can of worms, but are increasingly becoming the go-to tool for the President.

Meanwhile Fitch is out saying:

  • trade tensions between Mexico and the US could also delay approval of USMCA trade agreement
  • US tariffs would undermine Mexico economic growth prospects
  • passage of USMCA in the US now depends on Congress and cannot be assured given US political dynamics