–Adds Finance Ministry Comment To Story Sent At 11:54 GMT

BERLIN (MNI) – The German government wants E44 billion in aid from
the EU-IMF rescue program to be paid to Greece in one single tranche,
the German daily Bild reported in a pre-release of its Wednesday edition
citing government sources.

According to Bild, Greece should get, on top of the E31.3 billion
still due from the second quarter, another E5 billion from the third
quarter and a further E8.3 billion from the fourth quarter.

The Greek government had asked the German finance ministry for a
payment of the whole outstanding aid sum for 2012, the paper wrote.

The German finance ministry did not want to confirm the story. “The
negotiations about Greece are still ongoing,” ministry spokeswoman
Marianne Kothe told MNI. “Decisions on financing questions are still
pending – that concerns also the payments modalities of the program.”

–Berlin bureau: +49-30-22 62 05 80; email: twidder@mni-news.com

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