Zero Hedge received notice from Twitter that their account had been suspended

Bloomberg report a spokesperson for Twitter emailed that the suspension is permanent, due to manipulation (that link was the one cited by Bloomberg) .

Zero Hedge have responded, thinking the ban was due to a piece on the coronavirus. Partly they speculate its due to publishing information on a researcher in China who is "Leader of the Bat Virus Infection and Immunization Group" at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. All the information ZH published is publicly available on the Institute's website. ZH did say in their article "if anyone wants to find out what really caused the coronavirus pandemic ... they should probably pay Dr. Peng a visit." I'd suggest that 'pay a visit' may have been the trigger for the Twitter ban, but that's my hunch.

ZH post a lot of information on financial markets and, for me, are a must follow. Do I read everything they post? No, items that do not interest me I don't read (yeah, its not rocket science).

In the past ZH have been banned by Facebook, and New Zealand, bans which were subsequently reversed. I very much hope we see a reversal of the Twitter decision and we get back Zero Hedge.

ICYMI, they've some great material this weekend:

Oh, if you are like me and use Twitter to get notified about posts, you can instead go to Telegram and get the same thing, just follow @zerohedge

Zero Hedge received notice from Twitter that their account had been suspended