CNBC's Washington correspondent, Eamon Javers, tweets

The thread reads:

"Despite Speaker Pelosi + House Democrats moving forward with ideas for a Phase 4 stimulus effort, two senior administration officials tell me there is no discussion inside WH for another bill, focus is on executing on the enormous obligations in $2 trillion Phase 3 bill.Asked what is under discussion at the WH for Phase 4, a senior administration official replied, "nothing." "Right now there is only executing Phase 3," the official said.A second senior administration official cautioned that ultimately the president will decide whether to move forward or not. "We are focused on implementing Phase 3, but no staffer can rule out plans for Phase 4," the second official said."

Equities are already having a rough start to the new month and new quarter, and the details above will do little to soothe worries about the US and global economy. That said, speculation about a 'Phase 4 stimulus' measure has been light but still, the market has been living off hope as the only form of tonic in these dark times.