This is a piece in the Wall Street Journal :
- Michael Poteat, an engineering student at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Va., decided to start mining bitcoin four months ago.Using some of his bitcoin holdings, he purchased 20 "mining rigs," computing boxes that solve complex equations to generate new coins.
- But while running one rig, he kept tripping the circuit breaker in his home. So the 20-year-old looked into leasing commercial space
Srsly? Back in my day if we tripped circuit breakers (fuses in the good old days), you'd just a slip a building nail in where the fuse went ... problem solved! ;-)
(ps. Not for mining rigs, we didn't have those)
tee hee
Anyway, Journal piece is here if you'd like to check it out, may be gated
Trotting out this again, its back in fashion!