At 11.30am local time (0030GMT) we get the release of Q4 2012 CapEx figures; this is going to be a very important focus for the market. I’ll have a preview up a little closer to the release time. It would be wise to be very careful leaving resting orders over the release of these figures as the release constitutes very significant new information.

With this caveat in mind:


  • 1.0290/00 sellers
  • 1.0260/70 holds sellers and is an important technical focus level
  • 1.0240/50 – we are very close to this level at present, it holds sell orders


  • Initial buying, but not large 1.0215/25 (again, we are close to this level)
  • The 1.0180/85 is around the overnight low and is setting up with more buyers
  • 1.0175 is talked by dealers as a significant option barrier level, there are bids ahead of it
  • 1.0550/60 more buyers.

Again, take care over the release of the CapEx figures. More on this later.