• I refer to this pair frequently as it can be a real prime mover as well as often being sidelined
  • The surge in cable just now after services pmi saw a UK clearer selling all the way down from 0.8630 only to find good european corp demand below 0.8600

Yesterday I suggested that the price action across the two pairs ( GBPUSD bid vs EURUSD offered ) made me bearish for a move lower from 0.8640 even though there was justifiable reason for the bulls to be just as comfortable with plenty of buy orders at 0.8620 and 0.8600 which I had reported.

Good technical support as we can see between 0.8575-90 and buyers are lining up.

It takes two to make a market and this pair is proving it right now. One to keep an eye on for the break-out.