Currently 1.2902 from 1.2870 lows

GBPJPY demand helping to support.

Offers nearby between 1.2900-20 with larger around 1.2950 still but that 1.2870 area is starting to attract a few buyers after failed attempts at 1.2850 yesterday.

Sell high, buy low or vice versa as you prefer, but not going anywhere in a hurry.

Large EURGBP option expiries lower down that I reported yesterday may yet come into play and help underpin cable. Currently 0.8833 from 0.8850. Immediate expiries between 0.8815-25.Be aware at least.

BOE's Haldane and Broadbentup to the mic later.

Offers: 1.2920 1.2935 1.2950 1.2980 1.3000 1.3020 1.3030 1.3050

Bids: 1.2870 1.2850 1.2830 1.2800 1.2750 1.2700