And now my shout for the “far out” call for 2014

Some may say that China is already trying to take over and has been trying for years. Further integration of the Yuan into main stream business is ongoing so could 2014 be the year it really challenges the almighty dollar for reserve currency status? While that’s probably a way off yet the tentacles continue to reach out from China to gradually enclose the world. While global economies have been shrinking like a slug hit with salt the Chinese have been busy spreading their wings.

China 2013

Although not on a scale of 2010-2012 they have been steadily investing around the globe. Looking at this handy interactive map we can see that they were heavily buying into countries across the planet when things were at their worst and they took advantage of some poor national financial situations to grab a bargain.

What’s interesting about the map is that it gives the sectors that they have been buying into. As you can see they have been picking and choosing like a shopper in the New Year sales.

Should we be worried? Many are citing a lack of transparency in Chinese companies and fear of what they really might be doing. Is it safe for us to have the Chinese in charge of our utilities and resources? Are they worming their way in on the back of weakness in the developed world? Is it all part of a master plan? There’s many who would say yes, particularly those in power in America. While they come to the rescue of problem countries like Greece with bearing smiles and bags of cash, they still very much show that old habits die hard with military chest beating like with Japan over bits of rock in the sea.

Maybe it’s a theme we should pay more attention to over the next year to see where they cast their beady eye next. I just hope the Heritage foundation keep their handy map updated as that will save us some hard work keeping track


So 2014 may be a time to welcome our Chinese overlords and have our calendars re-written. So I wish you a very happy New Year, but not until the 31st January


I’ll bet you it’s not full of chocolates ;-)

In all seriousness folks I hope you all have a very merry, happy and profitable 2014 and we’ll be with you all the way.