I had the headlines fom Mr. K (hey, its Friday arvo*) earlier, here and here

From the Wall Street Journal, a recap: Federal Reserve’s Kocherlakota: Fed May Need to Do More

  • weak inflation and “too high” levels of unemployment argue in favor of the central bank doing more to help the economy
  • But at the same time, he also expressed qualified support for pulling back on the Fed’s bond-buying program

In his remarks, Mr. Kocherlakota appeared to agree with the move to cut bond buying. “As long as the economy evolves according to our outlook…we will continue a pattern of reducing” the pace of bond buying, he said.
The official didn’t say what he would prefer to do to boost stimulus, but in the past, Mr. Kocherlakota has said he would favor lowering the jobless-rate goal the Fed has said would govern the potential timing of future interest rate hikes.

*”Arvo” is Ozztraaaaalian for “afternoon”