A record of FPC Meeting held on 21 June 2017

  • firms have until Sept to show they are adequately protected against consumer credit risk
  • BOE requests evidence from lenders on credit scoring and 9 other areas of potential risk
  • companies are first line of defence against risk of consumer fredit losses

Unsurprisingly, given the recent FSB review, the focus is on consumer credit and the assocated risks.

Last Friday's final Q1 GDP also highlighted 3 consecutive quarter declines in a row, the first time since the 1970s

Full FPC report here for you to read .

I do we hope we've got a suitable candidate from our job ad to join me on this shift. The novelty is certainly wearing off. For you too I'm sure.

Meanwhile GBPUSD has had a test of 1.2920 but it's holding still, for the moment at least. EURGBP steady around 0.8775 as EURUSD remains under pressure with USD demand prevailing as USDJPY rallies further to test 113.20 area

BOE FPC has justifiable concerns over consumer credit risk