• keeps 8 unchanged
  • regions recovering or recovering moderately as a trend

BOJ Sakura report out a short while ago

Compared with the last assessment in October 2014, the Hokkaido region revised its assessment downward by noting that some weakness had been observed in some aspects, including the decline in public investment, but the other eight regions reported that their assessments regarding the pace of economic improvement had remained unchanged.

All regions, including the Hokkaido region, reported that the economy had been recovering or recovering moderately as a trend, against the background of firm domestic demand, a pick-up in overseas demand, and the ongoing steady improvement in the employment and income situation. Meanwhile, with regard to private consumption, many regions noted that the effects of the subsequent decline in demand following the front-loaded increase prior to the consumption tax hike had been waning on the whole. As for production, there were reports that it had shown signs of bottoming out, although some weakness had still been observed in some aspects.

Full report here