The BOC policy meeting is on Wednesday day October 30

  • decision announced at 1400GMT
  • cash rate expected unchanged at 1.75%

Announcement will be accompanied by updated forecasts and the Monetary Policy Report

Following along at 1515GMT is the press conference, with Governor Poloz and Senior Deputy Governor Wilkins.

via Scoita, this in summary:

  • No policy rate change
  • OIS markets assign no material probability of a rate change until easing gets partially priced in well into 2020
  • Hiking in this environment is out of the question and so the obvious risk to market pricing is skewed toward more dovish guidance than markets anticipate
  • BoC might not change its forecasts a great deal
  • press conference, the risk may lie in terms of emphasizing uncertainties hanging over the outlook that may inform possible criteria for easing policy