ECB VP Constancio and chief economist both on the set list for today 9 April

First up Constancio 13.00 GMT (14.00 UK/BST) when he presents the ECB Annual Report 2017 by at the ECON parliamentary committee in Brussels.

That's followed by Praet at 16.45 GMT (17.45 UK/BST) with participation in a meeting of the European Finance Forum in Frankfurt.

Given the tight ranges prevailing at the moment we can only hope that they can liven up things somewhat but don't expect too much more than repetition of what we know already.

Meanwhile EURUSD drifting higher at 1.2294 with USD supply notable as US desks get underway. GBPUSD breaking up through 1.4120 but sellers still lurking.

Constancio presents ECB Annual Report to parliament today

Praet taking part in an economic forum