ECB executive board member Coeure making a scheduled speech 19 April

Speaking at Council on Foreign Relations, New York with a speech entitled "The Perils of Isolation"

Says Coeure:

"We are currently seeing widespread concerns in many parts of the world regarding free trade and globalised finance. These concerns mainly stem from perceptions of inequality of opportunities and a lack of inclusiveness in sharing the benefits of international openness, resulting in growing disparities in income. Often, these are not only perceptions.

The current zeitgeist forces us to put aside our complacency. As the benefits and legitimacy of international cooperation are being called into question, it's essential to defend the values that underlie global economic governance - openness, collaboration and tolerance. Those who cherish the benefits of international cooperation should make their voices heard. They should highlight past achievements and explain why continued and strengthened cooperation is essential. This appeal must be seen as an opportunity and responsibility, not as a chore."

Nothing to shake prices but just posting for info for all you CB watchers before I head out.

Full speech here