Its RBA day, but apart from that there are other items on the calendar today

2200GMT - New Zealand - New Zealand Institute of Economic Research (NZIER) quarterly business opinion survey

2330GMT - Australia - ANZ Roy Morgan Weekly Consumer Confidence

  • prior was a move down to 111.8
  • This weekly release does not tend to move the FX much

2350GMT - Japan - monetary base for June

0130GMT- Australia - Retail Sales for May

  • expected +0.2% m/m, prior +1%
  • This data point showed a surprisingly strong beat in April, better weather and a bounce after Cyclone Debbie
  • Consumer sentiment is weighing on retail sales in Australia but an improvement in employment growth should help the number today
  • The focus on Australia today, though, is going to be RBA announcement 9see below)

0500GMT - Bank of Japan's "Measures of Underlying Inflation"

  • i.e. this is the BOJ measure of inflation
  • It follows last Friday's official CPI data (if opening the link please have your barf bag ready). The BOJ number for underlying inflation is generally higher than the official result.


ps. - RBA previews: