Williams answers questions from reporters:

  • 'I don't know what we'll do in June'
  • Expects active discussion about June hike at meeting
  • Back-to-back hikes inconsistent with gradual Fed hike plan
  • Upcoming Fed meetings are live
  • Fed facing a lot of uncertainties such as Brexit

I think Williams has just about exhausted his welcome.

Here is the recap of Williams posts in the past week:

  • Williams: The labor market looks good
  • Williams: Raising rates 2 or 3 times this year makes sense
  • Fed's Williams says June rate decision is a balancing act
  • Williams says it's worrying that there are signs of falling CPI expectations
  • Williams: 2-3 rate hikes in 2016 about right
  • June decision on hike is data dependent says Williams

Looking at you too, Bullard.