Trump weighs in on yesterday's Fed flip flop

More tweets from Trump:

I like New York Fed President John Williams first statement much better than his second. His first statement is 100% correct in that the Fed "raised" far too fast & too early. Also must stop with the crazy quantitative tightening. We are in a World competition, & winning big,...

...but it is no thanks to the Federal Reserve. Had they not acted so fast and "so much," we would be doing even better than we are doing right now. This is our chance to build unparalleled wealth and success for the U.S., GROWTH, which would greatly reduce % debt. Don't blow it!

..Fed: There is almost no inflation!

In a sense, he's dampening the criticism here. Now he's more aimed at 'so much' rather than any of the Fed hikes that have come at all. It points more to perhaps a pair of cuts.

Although I'm sure the President will be blaming the Fed for anything that goes wrong in the economy from here on out.

Seems he's had a change of heart:

old trump tweet