The pound is still in a buy-dip/sell-rally range with seemingly equal amounts of fans both sides of the trade

This morning sees some key risk events with UK June inflation data out at 08.30 GMT then Carney and colleagues are up before the parliamentary Treasury Select Committee at 09.15 GMT which Eamonn previewed here

Watch it live here

CPI forecasts mm +0.1% vs +0.2% prev with yy +0.1% vs +0.1% prev with Carney still adamant that we shall see strong inflation growth before year end

A softer figure this morning is going to put the skids under GBP and make him look a little silly in front of the TSC. The reverse of course will be equally true

As always trade what you see. GBPUSD will have support into 1.5370- 1.5400 and similarly offers at 1.5500, 1.5500 and more into 1.5600

EURGBP appears to have demand below 0.7100 and will get interesting if 0.7080/7150 breaks