Here are a few China and oil articles items from Bloomberg; note the one on shadow financing "eerily similar" to US developments before the global financial crisis

Yikes ... The shadow financing that is fueling China's economic growth is unsustainable and "eerily similar" to developments in the U.S. before the global financial crisis, says Logan Wright at research firm Rhodium Group.

On oil: Phibro's CEO said traders should short benchmark West Texas Intermediate crude at $50 to $55 a barrel

And, more on China: While China's real growth has edged down 0.2 percentage point since the third quarter of last year, nominal expansion has accelerated 1.3 percentage points, explaining why policy makers are holding back from a big stimulus push, said Harrison Hu, chief Greater China economist at Royal Bank of Scotland Plc in Singapore.


Oh yes, the 'arvo' is some Australian lingo, for afternoon, just in case you were wondering