Aussie PM Tony Abbott gave a speech Monday night (Sydney time):

  • He reiterated the government’s plan to bring the budget closer to surplus
  • To bring it to a “strong surplus” within a decade
  • Said there would be no changes to pension during this term of parliament
  • Warned that there “should be changes to indexation arrangement and eligibility thresholds in three years’ time.”
  • Press reports that government is planning a new income threshold of A$100,000 to determine who gets financial benefits from the government
  • SMH reports suggest there could be a deficit levy set at 1% of income for those earning more than A$80,000 which would double to 2% for those earning A$180,000 or more

Aussie press reports:

Tony Abbott’s $100,000 welfare test for families (this one is gated)

‘Deficit tax’ to cost earners on $80,000 an extra $800 a year: reports

Nervous Liberal MPs beg Prime Minister Tony Abbott to rethink paid parental leave scheme