Japanese data

BoP Current Account Balance for February ¥ 2813.6B

  • expected ¥ 2512.9B, prior ¥ 65.5B
  • A big jump for the (unadjusted) surplus from January and ahead of estimates

BoP Current Account Adjusted ¥ 2210.9B

  • expected ¥ 1788.8B, prior ¥ 1259.8
  • Ditto, ahead of January and ahead of estimates

Trade Balance BoP Basis ¥ 1076.8B

  • expected ¥ 981.7B, prior ¥ -853.4B


  • Exports higher, they'd been held back somewhat by the Chinese lunar new year
  • Largest surplus for the CA since March of last year

Data from Japan's Ministry of Finance