Party could drop out of hundreds of seats

The Brexit Party is considering pulling out of hundreds of seats in a strategy that would see they drop out of races where they could hurt the Conservatives, according to the FT.

That would greatly improve Johnson's chances of winning a large majority.

A message to all candidates on Thursday morning said "Important. Please all go DARK on social media. DO NOT respond to any questions about where we [are] standing, what the strategy or plan is from now on. Things will be made clear . . . very soon."

They may focus on as little as 20-30 Leave-supporting Labour constituencies.

They also note that leader Nigel Farage himself said he has told friends he might not run. The FT speculates that a deal may have been cut with Conservatives to give Farage a seat in the House of Lords.

This is some nasty politics but it's GBP-positive.