Canada October 2021 CPI data

  • Prior report YoY 4.4%
  • YoY rate equals the highest rate since February 2003
  • CPI YoY 4.7% vs 4.7% estimate.
  • CPI core YoY 3.8% vs 3.5% estimate. Last month 3.7%.
  • CPI MoM 0.7% vs 0.7% estimate. Last month 0.2%. The gain is the 10th month in a row and the largest since June 2020
  • CPI core inflation MoM 0.6% versus 0.4% last month
  • CPI median 2.9% vs 2.8% last month
  • CPI Trim 3.3% versus 3.4% last month
  • CPI Common 1.8% versus 1.8% last month

Prices rose in all eight major components on a year-over-year basis in October with transportation prices at +10.1%. The chart below shows the eight major components and changes from a year ago.

Component inflation readings

The rise in transportation was primarily driven by rising energy prices at +25.5%. Gasoline prices were up 41.7% versus a year ago. The energy components are all up sharply (see chart below)

Component inflation readings