Increase the deficit of $115.1 billion

The CBO estimates that enacting the title VI of the Build Back Better act would result in a net increase in the deficit of $115.1 billion. That increase in the deficit would result from an increase in direct spending of $147.2 billion and an increase in revenues of $32.1 billion.

  • Title I result in direct spending outlays totaling 76.9 billion
  • Title II would result in a net increase in deficit totaling $454.1 billion. That increase in the deficit result from an increase in direct spending of $457.9 billion and an increase of revenues of $3.8 billion
  • Title III would result in a net increase in the deficit totaling $281.5 billion. That increase in the deficit result from an increase in direct spending of $304.4 billion and an increase in revenues of $22.9 billion
  • Title IV would result in a net increase in deficit totaling $150.7 billion. That increase would result from an increase in direct spending of $151.5 billion and an increase in revenues of $0.8 billion
  • Title VI of the Build Back Better act would result in a net increase in the deficit of $115.1 billion. That increase in the deficit would result from an increase in direct spending of $147.2 billion and an increase in revenues of $32.1 billion.
  • Title VII would result in an increase in the deficit totaling $16.3 billion
  • Title VIII would result in direct spending outlays totaling $13.8 billion
  • Title IX would result in direct spending outlays totaling $9.3 billion
  • Title X would result in direct spending outlays totaling $5 billion
  • Title XI would result in direct spending outlays totaling $36 billion.
  • Title XII would result in direct spending outlays totaling $4.8 billion

The WH has already been preparing for a bad score. The Deputy press secretary Andrew Bates said on Wednesday that

  • there has been wide agreement on the part of everyone involved - moderates, liberals, et cetera - that CBO does not have experience analyzing revenue amounts gained from cracking down on wealthy tax cheats who are taking advantage of every honest taxpayer.