Yes folks it's your GBP data risk event at 08.30 GMT

No time for a full preview sorry given I'm flying solo again but I'll just say I still don't see any upside reading changing the scenario too much.

Given the GBP movement lower already we may well have seen some pre-release action/expectation but softer actual headlines will have the algos still jumping on it.

The BOE are confident that inflation will peak before year-end and I stand by my view that we'll not see interest rate hikes for a long while yet.

So I'll remain a rally seller and continue to play GBP from the short side even if that means more focus on EURGBP longs than GBPUSD shorts from time to time depending on USD sentiment.

Me and my knackered typing fingers ( 4 years of this definitely takes its toll in more ways than one) will try and get all the data out asap but I do suggest you have your own data calendars open too.

Order boards here and here.
