Good day one and all, and I trust the fun n games on the NZ/Asian opening didn’t cause too much anguish although I’m sure it would have taken no prisoners on certain stops. On the other hand I’m sure the moves will have served some of you well too. Such is the lottery of managing positions in that that time period when liquidity is at its thinnest.

UK holiday today ( hence my negotiating a lay-in for an extra snooze which Eamonn should have warned you about! ) but I’ll be here now til the usual time (12.00GMT) when Adam will take over. Ryan is on hols this week.

Data coming up is a bit thin to say the least but includes the latest German IFO readings at 08.00 GMT. I’ll get the option expiries posted shortly and start putting some orderboards together

Have a good day out there

Times GMT +1 (UK)

Economic Data (1) 25 Aug

Economic Data (1) 25 Aug

Economic Data (2) 25 Aug

Economic Data (2) 25 Aug