Good day everyone and Happy May Day to all those having a holiday

I trust your week is going ok and that the FOMC lack of surprise served you well. Concerns will continue over that dreadful GDP number though

Data wise it’s thin in Europe with much of the region on holiday but the UK is still open for business ( we have Monday off ) so we get mftg PMI and mortgage approvals with US data and Fed chair Yellen later.

And of course it would be remiss of me if I didn’t recognize the Aussie cricket team’s rise back to the top of the pile which Eamonn was naturally keen to throw out there last night. Good on ya fellas!

RIP Bob Hoskins who left a memorable legacy of work on so many levels

Times GMT+1 (UK time)

Economic data  (1) 1 May jpg

Economic data (1) 1 May jpg

Economic data  (1) 1 May jpg

Economic data (1) 1 May jpg